A Million Different Ways to Do Business
One of the hardest parts about running a business in the online space is that there are a million different ways to do it.
Depending on who you follow or whose advice you listen to, you only have to scroll around for a minute or two before you start to feel pulled in a million different directions.
“You should do this to be successful. You should definitely have a podcast. Do you have a masterclass? Do you have another stream of income? You should sell MRR. You should do this, you should do that.”
It is exhausting–especially when you’re in the early stages of building your business.
The Fast Track to Knowledge
If you’re anything like me, when you started your business, you invested from day one. You wanted the lightning lane, the fast pass—the teach me what you know, so I can learn from your mistakes and skip ahead pass.
And you did. A lot of your early investing went into courses that provided you with knowledge.
Learn about social media, learn how to start an email list, learn how to do and run a masterclass. “Here are my templates.” Those types of things.
Why Guru Trainings Fall Short for Mid-Level Entrepreneurs
If you’re reading this, you may be newer to entrepreneurship and on the knowledge fast track right now, but most of the people who come into my world are mid-level entrepreneurs.
You’ve been in this space for a couple of years, and you have the knowledge to back you up.
Now, you are at the point in your business where the way you are learning to do things from the big wigs of the industry, the gurus, isn’t working for you.
It’s simple. Big wig guru business trainings overemphasize knowledge (which you already have),
and lack personalized implementation strategies (which you need more of).
Learn From My Turning Point

Learning to do things from the big wigs wasn’t working for me anymore for a couple of reasons.
First, I realized that the people who I was learning from either weren’t moms or they had built their business before they had kids.
It is very different to have a kid when you already have a business that’s established versus starting a business after you have a kid.
P.s. If blogs aren’t your thing, or you need to catch the rest of this in audio format, on the way to pick up your kid, you can listen to this at The Tralongo Track, here.
The Frustration of Generic Courses
The other thing that I really started to get frustrated about was that there’s no work. In a lot of these courses and things that you buy, even if there’s a monthly call, even if there’s a group, at the end of the day, these courses are about knowledge.
They’re not necessarily about implementation, and they’re certainly not about unique implementation and strategy for your specific business.
Personally, that’s where I would get so frustrated in the past.
The Need for Something More
I don’t know about you, but we kind of get to this point in our business where we have the knowledge, we’ve taken the courses, we’ve done the freebies, we’ve been on the masterclasses—we have the knowledge in our brain, but we don’t have a way to make it ours.
Then, what happens is you spend time following the checklist, following the plan that you learned, doing it their way.
Doing it their way doesn’t take into account what you need and your lifestyle and your timeline and your goals and even your specific business.
These courses and these gurus that teach us these things do know what they’re doing. They are great tools in the early stages of your business to learn from and have that base level of knowledge. But you get to a point where that’s just not going to work for you anymore.
You get to a point where you need something else—support, planning, a strategic business model that is unique to how your life works.
It should reflect your rules, priorities, and lifestyle—not just your financial growth but also your personal goals.
Last year, I was really heavily pushed by a mentor to have passive income. A passive course.
What I realized is, while that course is important and great and jam packed with so much information and so valuable for the right person…
For me, I love the live coaching aspect. I love being face to face with you and hearing about your business and getting to know you that way. So, that’s how I build my business now.
I know that that is a priority for me when I am making decisions in my business.

Find Your Unique Path
If you’re stuck following the rules and overanalyzing the latest advice from every guru, it’s time to realize that your business, your business model, the strategy should be and needs to be as unique as you are.
When you do things by your own rules in a way that works for you and prioritizes not just your financial business growth goals, but also the goals and priorities that you have in your life and in the way you want to run your business, it’s more fun.
Enjoy the Journey
Remember, the journey of building an online business should be enjoyable. Sure, there will be tough times, but overall, it should excite you.
If you’re bogged down by overthinking what every guru is telling you to do, it’s time for a reset. Find your unique path and reignite your enthusiasm for your business.
Break Free From Over Analyzing Guru Advice
I’ll leave you with this: the most exciting part of having an online business is the journey.
Yes, it’s cheesy, but it’s true.
Your business should bring you joy every day.
If it’s not, something needs to change.
Embrace your unique path, and let it guide you towards a business and life that truly fulfills you.
Need More Help?
If you want more insight into why you’re getting stuck in your business, and why the advice of the big wigs isn’t taking you to that next level, subscribe to my private podcast, The Anti-Guru Method:

Or, you can always find me on Instagram at @giannatralongo. Let’s cut through the noise and focus on what really matters in business and life!
Helpful links:
Follow me on Instagram HERE
Listen to this podcast episode HERE