The Secret to Creating Content That Gets You Paid

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If you’re getting message like: 

You’re so inspirational” 

I wish I could do what you do

But not messages like: 

“I’m in!”

“How can I work with you?” 

“How can I pay you?” 

There is probably a disconnect between what you think you’re posting and what your audience is really taking out of it. 

You aren’t the only one getting stuck in this friend zone limbo. 

But it is really important that you don’t stay there. 

I first started in the online space in 2015 as a Beachbody coach. The way we were taught to do social media was to share your journey. You only need to be one or two steps ahead of somebody watching for them to want to work with you. So that’s what I did. 

I shared my journey. 

I shared my workouts. 

I shared my before and after pictures. 

I shared my weight loss stats. 

All day long, I would get those, Oh, my gosh, you’re so inspiring. This is inspiring me. I love to see this. I wish I could do something like this

It fed my ego and made me feel so good. 

But, it did not feed my bank account because people saw me as an inspiration. They didn’t see me as somebody that could teach them to do the same. I wasn’t doing a good job of showing them the behind the scenes or showing how they could also do this in their life. 

If somebody is telling you you’re so inspiring, they’re also saying, I love seeing what you can do, but I don’t feel like I can also do that for myself. Or I’m not sure what the solution is to get these results. 

It’s our responsibility as business owners in the online space to share our journey. 

We have to share our steps and where we’ve been because that shows that we can resonate and we can feel where our ideal client has been. 

At the same time, we need to take one step to the left to show them that we’re not in the same boat as them and that we are capable of guiding them to where they want to go.  Whether they want the same results that we’re getting or their goals are a little bit different.

Are You Sharing Your Expertise & What You Actually Do?

It all comes down to how we are presenting our expertise and what we do. 

Where I see people get caught up is that you don’t know how to explain to a stranger. You don’t know how to explain to somebody that isn’t in your industry what you do and how you do it. 

Believe me, I get this, it’s hard! This is something even I struggled with. Even now, when I put out a new program or a new way to work with me, I really have to sit down and give time, space and sometimes even get help to think through how do I really explain the results that I help people get? How do I really explain my framework, which is my step-by-step process to get people from where they are now to where they want to be? We are SO close to what we do that sometimes we need the outside perspective to really help talk us through it. 

You have to be able to do that, or else you’re just going to continue to be inspiring, you’re not going to be the go to person. I’m sure you can relate to this. The biggest thing is you have to know how to differentiate yourself from everybody else. I talk about this with my one on one clients a lot.

Differentiate Yourself, Own Your Superpower!

One of the things that I work with a lot of my one on one clients on and even the women that are in my content membership is you deserve to brag about what you do, who you are and the results that you get. You have to shout from the rooftops. 

This is my superpower!! This is what I’m great at. 

I’m not going to ask anybody’s permission to stand up and be like, eh, eh, all I do is win, win, win no matter what.

We don’t do it enough. That is why a lot of times people will look at you and be like, Oh, you’re so inspirational, but they won’t actually buy from you because you aren’t telling them how freaking good you are at what you do. You aren’t telling them this is why you have to work with me to get where you want to go because I put my flag in the sand that I get results. 

In this day and age, where everybody thinks they’re an expert, people that have been a nutritionist for all of five minutes or people that have been a content coach for all of six months, they think they can go on AI or they can Google this information and put it out into the world. 

There are so many people out there that are not as good as what you do, but their marketing is better. They’re more confident in sharing their process. That’s why they will book more people than you will.  

There are a lot of people that are so good at marketing, so good at pulling you in, so good at making you feel like you need to buy from them, but they have no skills to back it up. 

Talk About The Transformations You Get Your Clients

I know that if you are in my world, and if you’re reading this blog that you are an expert at what you do. You are good at it. You get your clients results. 

This is me on my soapbox giving you permission to freaking talk about it! Talk about the results that you get people. Be proud of your clients and shout your clients out because they are the ones doing the work and you are the one guiding them. You are the one getting them from point A to Z. 

In the online space, there is no more room for being humble about it. There is no more room to hide when you are good at what you do, and it is time to shout it from the rooftops. 

So, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions that I want you to think about that can help with your messaging, with the words that you use, with how you differentiate yourself from other people in the online space that are doing the same thing as you.

As I go through these questions, if you feel like I don’t know the answers to this, or my answers are super generic, then ask past clients or current clients. Ask your family. Ask the people closest to you to help you come up with answers here, because sometimes we are too close to our own selves that  we can’t necessarily figure that out.  You can hire a coach, or get with your mentor that can ask you these tough questions and pull out what you are good at. That’s what I do with my clients, is really pull out what makes them different. 

Questions to Ask Yourself

What sets you specifically apart from the million other people online that are selling the same thing as you are? 

So some of that is client results. Some of that is your framework, again, of the steps that you take from getting people from A to Z. 

Do you hold your clients accountable? 

Are you a tough love coach? 

Have you been a coach or a service provider for 10 years? You’ve been through the ups and downs of what that looks like, and you can guide people no matter what season of life that they’re in.

What Sets You Apart?

Talk about what sets you apart. Now, again, this I’ve already said, but how do you get transformations? How do you get results for your clients? What is that step-by-step approach? 

If you don’t know it off the top of your head, then sit down and think about a client that you’ve worked with and say, when she first came to me, this is the first thing that we did. Then we did this, then we did this…. This is a mindset block that came up. This is where she got suck. This is how I helped her get through it. This is how we got to the result that she wanted. This is how long it took. It doesn’t have to be the final result, but what are those micro wins that you can talk about how you guided your client through that.

Then, really think about what makes you great at what you do. How did you get here? 

For me, when it comes to content, I can talk about the fact that I have been in content marketing, online marketing since 2015, so almost eight years. I can talk about the fact that I was the tips girl, and that’s all I shared. I was the inspiration girl. I was the storytelling girl. It wasn’t until I figured out how to combine all three of those pieces that I really started to see results and make the money that I wanted to make. I can talk about the fact that I have pretty much always been consistent with my content, but in different seasons of life, I’ve had to do it in different ways. I can talk about my experience. I can talk about the different women that I’ve coached over the last three years, how they see content and how I guided them through where they got stuck.

Are You Sharing Your Brilliance?

Are you sharing what you do and your wins in your content? Or are you scared? 

On a weekly basis, whether it’s on a live, in stories, in a post, you have to be talking to your audience about why you’re the go to girl.

You have to create buzz around yourself first and then other people will come behind you and create that buzz as well. If you are not talking about how great you are, if you’re not talking about how you can get your people results, how you get yourself results, then you are going to continue to be the inspirational one. You’re going to continue to look like somebody that’s doing a great job, but that people aren’t going to see you as the guide to get them there. So you have to share about it. 

Embrace Your Superpower & Step Into Your Authority 

If you’re like, I don’t know the answers to these. Like I mentioned, you have to reach out to past and current clients, ask them: why did you decide to work with me? What brought you to my world and made you feel confident in working with me? 

What happens is when we first start out in the online space, we have a warm market. We have people, our friends, our acquaintances that are going to work with us. Then hopefully we do a good job and they refer us. If we can’t build that know, like and trust factor, then people are not going to work with us even if we know that we can solve their problem. So ask those people that have worked with you why, what they saw in you that made them trust you. Again, I’ve already mentioned this, but check in with your partner,your best friend and pick their brain to get words that they would use to describe what you do. Then if you need to, hire somebody that’ll ask you the tough questions, that’ll challenge you, that will push you, that will help you create this core message about who you are.

My challenge for you this week is to answer all of these questions we have covered. Give yourself 30 minutes to really free write on what you think your superpowers are and then create a piece of content within the next 10 days.  It’s not like you have to recreate the wheel all the time. You just need to know the core piece of why you’re better than the person standing next to you.

Once you have created your piece of content, tag me in it on Instagram. I want to see it!  I will pop in your DMs and give you a little bit of feedback. 

You have to start making this expertise part of your strategy. You have to start showcasing your authority on a regular basis so you can go from, you’re so inspiring. I don’t know how you do what you do

To, how do you juggle it all? How do you make this happen? How do you stay consistent?  How can I work with you? Where can I pay you? What are my options so that I can learn from you? 

That’s the goal. If you have an online business and you’re not getting those types of questions, if you’re not making the money, then what’s the point? 

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